Kosher Salt: Trader Joe’s Sea Salt

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In the last week my extensive research has led me to find that all “Kosher Salts” are not created equally. Bottom line: the best source for unrefined Kosher salt is Trader Joe’s “Sea Salt.” 1 lb. is $1.50. This will last you a long time. If you are sick like half of our patients in the last week, gargle at least twice a day with this salt. Better yet, flush you nose and sinuses with this salt twice a day. Here is a web link (copy and paste to web browser) that describes a convenient way to clear your nasal passages and sinus cavities as well as prevent/soothe a sore throat: We are now recommending this salt rinse to begin the day after oral surgical procedures, in place of prescribed oral rinses. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns…